
Thorough Assessment
As a trained practitioner, Brigette will inspect your whole body, noticing posture, the condition of your hair, skin, and eyes, and your level of energy. She will pay particular attention to the sound of your voice and the effort or lack of effort you require for normal breathing. Brigette will check your pulse for both rate and quality. In the final part of your assessment, Brigette will consult your pre-submitted form and ask you several additional seemingly unrelated questions about your habits and complaints. By acquiring this information, Brigette obtains a clear mental image of all those things that may be contributing to your condition.
Effective Treatment
By working with you on your specific complaints, Brigette develops a method of treatment to facilitate your recovery. Once the problem area(s) are determined, extremely fine, hair-thin needles are inserted into the skin along those meridians that supply energy to the affected joints, muscles, or organs. You may feel these needles at the intensity level of a mosquito bite or not at all. Brigette pays specific attention to your comfort, adjusting the room temperature as needed, playing soft, relaxing music in the background, and encouraging you to experience the process at a deep level.

Time Efficient
The entire process takes 45 to 90 minutes depending on your specific treatment and the severity of your symptoms. The process is so relaxing that patients frequently fall asleep, which also aids in the healing process. It should be noted that these needles are made of stainless steel and are used only once. Therefore, there is no possibility that they can be a source of transmitted disease.